May 26, PAL Robotics blog-post on the project summary of Co4robots
Mar. 3-5, PAL Robotics disseminated the Co4Robots project in Advanced Factories, Barcelona, Spain.
Mar. 3-5, PAL Robotics disseminated the Co4Robots project in European Robotics Forum (ERF), Malaga, Spain.
Oct. 27-Nov. 2, FORTH talked about Co4robots at International Conference on Computer Vision, Seoul, Korea.
Sep. 23-25, FORTH gave a invited talk about Co4robots at 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), Thessaloniki, Greece.
Sep. 9-12, FORTH talked about Co4robots at 30th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Cardiff, United Kingdom.
May 27-31: FORTH talked about Co4robots at International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Tokyo, Japan.
May 27-29, PAL Robotics disseminated the Co4Robots project in Retail & Brand, Barcelona, Spain.
May 20-24: PAL disseminated the Co4Robots project in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal (Canada).
April 9-11: PAL disseminated the Co4Robots project in Advanced Factories in Barcelona (Spain).
April 8: UGOT attended an invited seminar at Aalto University in Helsinki (Finland), and made a report entitled “Making robots usable in everyday life”.
March 22-24: PAL disseminated the Co4Robots project in European Robotics Forum in Bucarest (Romania).
Feb. 27-28: PAL disseminated the Co4Robots project in Schunk Expert Days in Odense (Denmark).
Feb. 25-27: PAL disseminated the Co4Robots project in Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (Spain).
Feb 2-6: Antonis Argyros from FORTH gave an invited talk at the Joint Symposium of Social Robotics (JSSR 2019), United Arab Emirates, CO4robots was presented.
The EU Commission's Innovation Radar highlights 9 innovations developed by Co4Robots as key for the robotics state-of-the-art! Find them by searching “Co4Robots” at:
Enabling Robots to Learn Improved Coordination over Time (BOSCH)
Force torque tuning and calibration for collaborative tasks (PAL)
Human-Robot Collaboration based on Robust Motion Intention Estimation with Prescribed Performance (NTUA)
Multi-Agent Formal Methods Based Planning Under Human Input (KTH)
Re-planning From Temporal Logics Incoming Tasks (KTH)
Robot Navigation in Complex Workspaces Using Harmonic Maps (NTUA)
Simultaneous Task Allocation and Planning (BOSCH)
Vision based human body pose estimation (FORTH)
Vision based markerless 3D hand tracking (FORTH)
Nov. 19: Co4Robots was presented at a booth and two research posters at the Bosch AI CON 2018.
Oct. 7-10: FORTH talked about Co4robots at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Athens, Greece.
Sep. 8-16: FORTH talked about Co4robots at 83rd TIF-HELEXPO 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Sep. 9: FORTH co-organized the workshop HANDS 2018, in conjunction with ECCV 2018 (Munich, Germany) in which Co4Robots was explained.
Jun. 26-30: BOSCH disseminated the Co4Robots project during their participation at RSS 2018 in Pittsburgh (USA).
Jun. 19-22: Automatica 2018 was celebrated in Munich; PAL Robotics advertised the Co4Robots project during the event.
Jun. 16: Co4Robots was presented at FM2018 (International Symposium on Formal Methods).
May 28-29: The 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Cognitive Services (SE4COG 2018) hosted an NTUA presentation in which Co4Robots was introduced.
May 28: UGOT presented the project during the RoSE 18 Workshop (1st International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering).
May 27 - Jun. 3: UGOT spread the word on Co4Robots during their participation in the ICSE Conference on Software Engineering, celebrated in Gothenburg (Sweden).
May 7-8: An NTUA presentation where Co4Robots was explained took place during the International Symposium Foundation (Sweden).
Apr. 30 - May 4: Presentation on Co4Robots at ICSA 2018 (International Conference on Software Architecture) by UGOT.
Apr. 21: NTUA presented Co4Robots during the Science Festival Programme in Gothenburg.
Apr. 18-21: FORTH talked about Co4Robots at the DigiFest 18 (Greece).
Apr. 18-20: Global Robot Expo in Madrid counted on a PAL Robotics talk in which Co4Robots was explained.
Apr. 14-20: Co4Robots was present at FASE 2018 (International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering) with UGOT.
Mar. 13-15: PAL Robotics spread the word about Co4Robots at the European Robotics Forum (Finland).
Mar. 13-15: During Advanced Factories, PAL Robotics gave insights about the Co4Robots project (Spain).
Feb. 28 - Mar. 3: PAL Robotics gave a presentation which explained the Co4Robots project during the Schunk Expert Days 2018 (Germany).
Feb. 12-16: Second integration week at PAL robotics. Milestone 1 Demonstrator is obtained!
Feb. 2: FORTH presented the Co4Robots project to the University of Crete's Computer Science Department (Greece).
Jan.: UGOT attended the invited seminars at Charles University and Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), and made a report entitled “Effective and use-friendly specification of multi-robot missions”.
Nov 20-24: Presentation at Centrale Supélec and GIPSA-lab by Dimitris Boskos.
Nov. 20-23: Co4Robots will be present at the European Robotics Week Central Event, which is hosted by the Committee of Regions in Brussels. We look forward to spread the word of the Co4Robots project there!
Oct.16-20: Consortium meeting and integration week at PAL robotics.
Jun.12: Presentation at IS4IS17.
Jun. 8: Co4Robots presentation at SPARC robotics
May 22: Presentation at MobileSoft17.
Apr. 22: UGOT present Co4Robots at International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures, Uppsala, Sweden.
Feb. 16-17: Kick-off meeting held at KTH. [Photo]
Feb. 8: Like us on Co4Robots Facebook Page!
Feb. 1: Project starts! check out!
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731869. |