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KTH is partner in H2020 AEROWORKS where the focus is on collaborative planning and control for multiple aerial robots. Some of the developments therein will be utilized in Co4Robots, the fundamental difference being the consideration of the heterogeneous interaction cases and the mobile manipulators instead of aerial robots in the case of AEROWORKS. |
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Prof. Dimos V. Dimarogonas is the coordinator of an ERC StG that focuses on distributed discrete approximations (abstractions) of multi-agent control systems. The basic research approaches of the ERC StG will be expanded in Co4Robots in order to tackle with the heterogeneous interaction space that affect the individual coupled robotic dynamics. |
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FORTH and KTH are partners in RoboHow.Cog which aims to develop the required methodologies and tools that enable robots to reliably perform everyday manipulation activities such as household chores. Towards this end, it is ineffective to program each aspect of every possible manipulation activity. Instead, RoboHow.Cog aims to develop robots with the ability to learn directly from human demonstration. This includes instructions found in the World Wide Web, human instructions and demonstration (in the form of video), as well as haptic demonstration. The methodologies developed in RoboHow.Cog for the observation of human demonstration are planned to be expanded in Co4Robots enabling the cooperation of humans and robots. |
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Human-machine interfaces are a constant field of research and innovation. FORTH is a partner in WEARHAP which focuses on developing wearable devices that provide haptic feedback to the user. Such devices enable robots to observe humans in natural interaction with the environment. This, in turn, gives rise to novel forms of human intention recognition through haptic signals as well as novel forms of communication and cooperation between humans and robots. The human-machine interaction techniques developed in WEARHAP will be employed and further improved in Co4Robots. |
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Sustained levels of physical and social activity by a prolonged autonomous mobility are key to successful ageing. FORTH was a partner in DALi which aimed to develop a walking platform, called the c-walker that would serve as a mobility aid for the elderly. The form of aid included supporting navigation in crowded and unstructured spaces. This was achieved by acquiring sensory information, by anticipating the intent of nearby humans (including the user) and by suggesting paths that minimizing the risk of accident. Several of the sensory information acquiring mechanisms of the c-walker are planned to be adapted and developed for the purposes of Co4Robots. |
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Continuing on the achievements of DALi, ACANTO and contributing partner FORTH proposed a friendly robot walker, called FriWalk. FriWalk's planned abilities include operating as a personal trainer, triggering the user actions and monitoring their impact on the physical and mental well-being. It offers cognitive and emotional support for navigation pinpointing risk situations in the environment and understanding the social context. It supports coordinated motion with other FriWalks for group activities. |
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Chalmers University of Gothenburg and KTH are partners of the Swedish project WASP, the Sweden's largest ever individual research program. WASP investigates autonomous systems, acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their potentially unpredictable environment, and collaborating in a systems-of-systems fashion. |
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731869. |